Thursday, December 17, 2009

One Final Glitch in the System.

When attempting to sum up the past semester, my mind is all snow drifts and flat tires. I kind of feel a tad stranded in the middle of all it still, and it is kind of a rough task trying to sum it all up. To be perfectly honest, this semester has been a challenge for me. External factors have sometimes made me feel like a marionette being choked by the same wires which create action. However, despite all of that, I have come out of the other side in quite good shape, with a wealth of new experiences to draw from. And, one of the most important catalysts for that, was my time so far in the Writing Center.
In regards to the compositional process, I have always been a bit of a drifter. I have lost so many books with my best work, when hopping from bus to bus or train to plane. I have obscured my work in order to maintain an easy nomadic anonymity. The Writing Center was the first place for me where I actively joined collaboratively with other writers, to work on something resembling a common goal. While I still value my independence and unique voice as a writer, my time here as broadened my horizons in such a way that I feel I can implement my voice with more confidence within a group writing environment. I have always had the confidence to speak up for what I felt to be necessary to speak up for. Now, with my work in the Center, I feel like I now have the confidence to put that unabashed energy into an educational context, and I am eager to see what fruits that can bear.
I never have been fully engaged with the world, to be perfectly honest. Although I have been blessed with a ton of great friends and acquaintances, I have always chased after ghosts and spectral constructs of ideas down hallways and corridors; meaning, I like to roam and ramble, like a cat after a bird, only my bird doesn't exist. My time doing this has been of great help in allowing me to balance my desires to experiment and shape-shift, at least in the writing process, with a concrete sense of purpose and pride. The writers, the consultants, Melissa and Joy...everyone has been an absolute pleasure to meet, get to know, and to work with. The presence of people who have such pride in their abilities and their jobs is invigorating, and makes me want to keep swinging for the fences in regards to my own writing, and helping those students who happen to trek through our doors.
In closing, I would like to leave things for the semester in a fashion which I am most comfortable relaying my thoughts:

in the scribbles
populating margins, napkins
little thoughts that burn the cerebellum
and break free from pens and fingers tapping
in the words
without form, without meaning
which scream to be placed in context
and fight not to be limited by such.
in men, women, and children
who fight to be heard
and struggle with private thoughts which
MUST be made public.
in this grand procession
letters, phrases marching offbeat
i derive something resembling
a little peace of mind.